“The festival scheduled a single performance of my solo dance work, Satisfaction Index, at the REPS Theatre. The performance was well received by the audience. The next day I taught a class to young dance students at the National Ballet in Avondale. The rest of the days were spent making connections for future collaborative work with various artists from within the continent.
The highlight of my trip was to perform at HIFA and the opportunity to see a famous Zimbabwean dance group called Tumbuka. What was a success was the growth of my work upon this third viewing. The lesson that I learned was how to face the challenge to cleverly attend to the administrative work of the production.”
Grant Year : 2015
Profile : Dancer
Gender : F
Mobility project
AMA grantee Jacqueline Maanyapelo traveled from Cape Town, South Africa, to Harare, Zimbabwe, to participate in the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA), taking place between April 28 and May 3.
Trained in dance and theatre, Jackie Maanyapelo is the acting Artistic Director for Jazzart Dance Theatre in Cape Town. As a solo artist and collaborator, Manyaapelo is committed to developing work that is inquisitive and navigates the range of performance and society. She is dedicated to encouraging the audiences towards a transcendent mindset that is reflective of the self and society.
The Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) is an annual multidisciplinary arts festival that is committed to supporting the arts as a vehicle for social development. At HIFA, Jackie Maanyapelo will present her very first solo contemporary dance project as artistic director of Jazzart Theatre. Titled Satisfaction Index, the piece highlights the often neglected beauty and light that subsists in a society riven by violence, hardship and social division. Inspired by the international Satisfaction Life Index, the piece aims to inspire audiences to appreciate both the wonder and positive virtues in society.
Type of Project
Departure : Cape Town, South Africa
Destination : Harare, Zimbabwe