When it comes to locating authentic African designs and sensual identity, FIMA is the point of orientation. The South-North African cultural divide is both geographic and linguistic, and it has been very empowering for us to cross this divide for the first time.
From the Official Opening at the Palais des Sports, through the Concours Jeunes Stylistes, through to the Grand Défilé FIMA, the scale and organization of FIMA impressed us both. It became clear, that as we continue to work on cultural projects in Africa, an ability to speak French is essential.
The highlight for me of FIMA was meeting with the Tunisian-French designer Karim Bonnet, of Impasse de la Défense. His avant-garde collection inspired me greatly. I have asked him to collaborate on our next Resonance Bazaar production, together with Athi Patra Ruga. This new Collaboration has a working title: “Echo and the Satellites – a rebellion orchestra for strange weather cracks.” I am currently fundraising and doing the final research for this performance.
Being at FIMA enabled me to have a realistic vision of the depth of fashion practice on the continent, from cliché to innovation, from political to playful. It was my first encounter with Arabic Africa, and encourages me to pursue projects which highlight interdisciplinary pan-African cultrual collaboration and exchange.
Grant Year : 2007
Profile : Artiste visuel
Gender : F
Mobility project
To attend the Festival International de la Mode Africaine, in order to work on collaboration with fellow South African artist Athi-Patra Ruga who is showcasing his collection at the FIMA festival. This collaboration will lead to the creation of a performance work in which fashion fuses with mysticism, to be premiered at the Grahamstown National Arts Festival 2008.
Type of Project
Departure : Cape Town, South Africa
Destination : Niamey, Niger