Lola Kenya Screen was held at the National Art Theatre. It was held under the directorship and administering of Mr Ogova Ondego. We had our Official Opening on the 10th of August in the evening and we were introduced to the other members. On the 11th of the same month we were directed to different workshops, meeting and chatting with people and youngsters from different countries. I was in the Film Jury Workshop.
Film Jury Workshop
In this workshop we were watching entries received as a group. We were taught that a true filmmaker or film judge should understand the 5 ‘W’s and ‘H’, these and GOAT were explained as:
What, Where,When, Why, Which,How
GOAT: Goal, Obstacles, Answers, Time
The Jury Workshop was working under the supervision of Mrs Signe Zielich Jensen, a Swedish lady. As a team we worked and I really had the spirit to do everything I was told to do. We had to watch a film, discuss it according to the film competition form which was divided into 4 parts, which is (1) the topic or theme, (2) storyline, (3) directing, (4) technical quality – and then pass our global points
The jury team had 4 members and I was the only Zimbabwean at that workshop and I was given many tasks to do, since I knew many things after having done films before with Postcards from Zimbabwe project, but fortunately I managed to do it and help my fellow friends in Kenya about filmmaking because it was their first time being involved in films, however days were going and not waiting for us to relax! We were taught that, when judging a film, you should humble yourself, smile and relax. Being at the right place at the right time, doing the right thing and judge the films fairly and justly. At the end of Lola Screen, the Jury team announced and awarded the winners, and I announced the Silver, Gold and Bronze trophy, which were the biggest awards of the year at Lola.
At first I was afraid, but I had to be confident, but people were saying I was really talented and those words inspired me a lot. I spent an inspiring week at a festival meeting great and highly motivated people like the Children’s Jury. The children’s films gave me the opportunity to express and share myself both on a personal level and a cultural level, reaching across borders and continents. Culture and cultural education is more than a source iron and passion, two important aspects of life – it is also precious for creative free thinking and democracy.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the whole team at Mai Jai Films for making it possible for a person like me to be part of the Lola. I never thought I would one day fly, but I flew. I never thought I would sleep in a hotel, but I slept. I discovered that my life is buried under the roof of Mai Jai Films and the Zimbabwe International Film Festival Trust (ZIFFT). The food was really good, and I cannot say that there was anything bad. The hotel was excellent and I actually enjoyed every moment in Kenya.
I once again want to thank Lola Kenya Screen because it educated me very well. Special thanks to Rumbidzai Katedza, Isabel Manuel and the whole team of Mai Jai Films for their love and support. Special thanks to the people at Art Moves Africa who sponsored the trip. God Bless.
When I was looking at my life, I saw and noticed I am living as an artist with no one to expose my talent. This year I have met many youth and elders who have also gone through this through the Lola Kenya Screen.
What I want to do from now:
I met some obstacles in the month of June and I cannot write my ‘O’ Levels this year, I will be writing next year in November and I really wish you could take me and do any kind of work at ZIFF or Mai Jai Films. I appreciate any kind of a job, I do promise to be a good child being in your company. I will do my duties with my heart and soul together. I actually do not want to be a temporary worker or learner, but permanent, I really wish to do any kind of arts work at ZIFFT or Mai Jai. I would be grateful if you would grant my request. I will do everything wholeheartedly whilst I wait for November next year to write my ‘O’ Level exams. My life depends on arts, I am a singer and dancer and poet. When I do whatever you are going to provide, I would one day want to be an art designer and do art directing at the same time.
I thank Mai Jai Films for opening a way for me, for giving me the keys to life. I’ve realised that it is not all about cash, money or anything. It’s all about your creativity in the Arts and how you carry your duties, your commitment to everything you’re doing, serving time and remembering what you want it to be and make it a passion for you are doing. I wish to explain to anybody, anyone who needs to know this.
It was a nice time meeting with other children, youth and adults from other countries. I learnt many things from them and so did they. As children we could speak openly about what life holds in filmmaking. I would like to pass my great passion, appreciation and love to our sponsors Art Moves Africa who provided for our trip to Kenya. I thank them for making me a passenger of the Kenyan Airways. I’ve never been in a plane before and that was my first time, I hope it’s not the last time. I also want to thank them for raising the standard for my life. May they continue doing a good job and may God bless them. Thank you so much.
We had a nice time in Kenya. May God multiply your territory as much as you want. I was really happy and I learnt many things about life and how films are involved in people’s lives. We screened films that spoke positively to children of diverse backgrounds and cultures, and films that provide strong role models for both boys and girls. The films we watched were child driven and the stories would have to be culturally authentic, timely and of universal appeal.
I also thank the Oasis organisation for making a way for me to work with the people from Mai Jai Films.
Thank you for letting us be a part of the 3 Lola Kenya Screen. I also hope to be there again next year. God Bless You!
Grant Year : 2008
Profile :
Gender :
Mobility project
Participation in Lola Screen Festival.
Type of Project
Departure : Harare, Zimbabwe (Southern Africa)
Destination : Nairobi, Kenya (Est AFrica)