Félicité Mballa Manga (danseuse et chorégraphe) – FR

Mon séjour à l’École des Sables fut très enrichissant car il m’a permis de mieux solidifier ma technique. Les cours proposés étaient intéressants et pleins d’éléments nouveaux. Les techniques enseignées m’ont permis de réfléchir à une façon plus claire de créer et de danser, en sachant comment mieux aborder les techniques de danses. La rencontre…

Stephen Thabiso Conor Ralphs (artiste visuel) – FR

The event Rencontres Australes Imaitsoanala (RAI), held on the 6th of August in Ambohimangakely, was definitely a highlight. This event, organised by myself, Cecil Bidaud, Tahina Ratroakavirony, Meghan Judge and Laurent Lafuma, was experimental and ambitious in nature. It gained further momentum as local artists got involved and resulted in an afternoon/evening of presentations of…

Yirgashewa Teshome (metteur en scène) – FR

I participate din all the programmes organized by Durban FilmMart with financiers, film directors, producers, scriptwriters, etc. from Zanzibar, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Germany, Japan, etc. My observation and contribution to this discussion was to inform people about the Ethiopian film industry, which, in my experience and in contrast to other developing coutnries,…

Emeka Okereke (photographe) – FR

As the main aim of the project is to tackle misconceptions, stereotypes and dogmas surrounding the knowledge of life in Africa, it was indeed gratifying to experience Tchad, Sudan and Addis Ababa in a different light. To use Khartoum, Sudan as an example, what we experienced was far from what we know about Sudan in…

Yirgashewa Teshome (filmmaker)

I participate din all the programmes organized by Durban FilmMart with financiers, film directors, producers, scriptwriters, etc. from Zanzibar, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Germany, Japan, etc. My observation and contribution to this discussion was to inform people about the Ethiopian film industry, which, in my experience and in contrast to other developing coutnries,…

Stephen Thabiso Conor Ralphs (visual artist)

The event Rencontres Australes Imaitsoanala (RAI), held on the 6th of August in Ambohimangakely, was definitely a highlight. This event, organised by myself, Cecil Bidaud, Tahina Ratroakavirony, Meghan Judge and Laurent Lafuma, was experimental and ambitious in nature. It gained further momentum as local artists got involved and resulted in an afternoon/evening of presentations of…