One of the many highlights was experiencing a SEKA performance in a rural village Mfuwe. The play highlighted the necessity of visiting the clinic regularly for HIV testing. The other highlight was meeting with Kamoto Community Arts in Lusaka. They organized a meeting with women artists from different disciplines. A major highlight was learning of NAZIZWA, an association of women artists that was launched in Lusaka in 2004. Mary Manzole, the director of Kamoto is the chair of this association. There werent any major challenges. The one difficulty we experienced was related to the financial aspect of the project. Art Moves Africa clearly states that it does not fund internal travel. The cost of internal travel/flights (given the poor condition of the road from Chipata to Mwufe we had to fly) is exorbitant. The plan is to implement a three-way exchange programme between SEKA (Mfuwe), Kamoto (Lusaka) and Mothertongue (Cape Town). Ten participants (including two facilitators) from each organisation will meet in Zambia in April/May 2007 (location still to be decided) for two weeks in residence where we will share methodologies and ways of working. The residency will culminate in a collectively created performance that explores the intersection between Gender Based Violence and HIV. The performance will take place where we work in residence, Mfuwe, Lusake and Cape Town. The project will more than likely involve women only and we also plan to include a visual artist and musician from both countries and facilitators. The next step in realizing the project is for two representatives from each organization to meet either in Zambia or Cape Town to draw up a funding proposal and detailed plan of action
Année : 2006
Profile :
Sexe :
Sara Matchett and Mwenya Kabwe of Mothertongue Women’s Arts Collective spent ten days in Zambia meeting with potential collaborators in Mfuwe and Lusaka, with the intention of exploring the implementation of a joint arts project that uses theatre to address the intersection between Gender Based Violence and HIV
Type de projet
Départ: Cape Town, South Africa
Destination : Mfuwe, Zambia (Southern Africa)