Mayitoukou Luc, cultural manager – FR

La tenue du Fest’Horn reste à Djibouti non pas seulement l’événement culturel majeur, mais aussi et surtout un rendez vous national important. Cela est visiblement perceptible à la veille et le jour de la cérémonie d’ouverture. Prévue dans la plus grande salle du Palais du peuple, cette cérémonie revêt un caractère très officiel, ce qui…

Ugochukwu-Smooth C.Nzewi, visual artist – FR

The workshop had no major thrust beyond providing a forum for artists’ cooperation and cultural exchanges. In a world characterized by strife and conflicts, the workshop provided a positive platform for South-South, North-North and North-South cooperations, which constituted a boon. Over 39 artists participated in the workshop. In the workshop I continued with an ongoing…

Magnet Theatre – FR

The highlight of the Festival was making significant contact with the companies from Europe and Africa that were also participating. There was time to exchange ideas and understandings about theater making in the various contexts. This was particularly significant in relation to the companies from Chad, Togo, Cameroon and Niger. In this sense the experience…

Sonya Rademeyer, visual artist – FR

The highlight for me was the experience of exchange and collaboration with artists from Senegal, Egypt and other countries. I did 4 performance pieces, 3 of which were collaborations with other foreign African artists. One of these video pieces is now to be shown in the up and coming Transcape Biennale in Cape Town (March…

Kiki C. Ng’ok, dancer – FR

I attended master classes and was involved in research of traditional and contemporary dance in Senegal. I also attended Kaay Fecc, a dance festival that takes place in Dakar yearly. I had the opportunity to study a local dance company by attending their rehearsals. The experience allowed me to make numerous contacts with artists and…

Ngaga Justine, visual artist – FR

Nous avons rencontré des collègues, des opérateurs culturels, les ateliers, discussions, échanges, visite d’ateliers, galeries et institutions privées et publiques ont formé le menu principal de cette aventure. Ce voyage nous a permis de toucher du bout des doigts les réalités africaines. Comme leçon retenue, on se rend compte que les difficultés que nous vivons…

Aja Marneweck, puppet master, actress and director of the Paper Body Collective, Janet Younge and Jacqueline Vanmeygaarden – FR

Being able to attend the festival was a great highlight, in order to experience and learn from the emerging puppetry styles happening in Kenya. We enjoyed conducting training workshops which were very beneficial, exciting and interactive. We also had the chance to travel in to the Kibera slums with developmental puppetry group CHAPS and experience…

Mothertongue (Sara Matchett and Mwenya Kabwe) – FR

One of the many highlights was experiencing a SEKA performance in a rural village Mfuwe. The play highlighted the necessity of visiting the clinic regularly for HIV testing. The other highlight was meeting with Kamoto Community Arts in Lusaka. They organized a meeting with women artists from different disciplines. A major highlight was learning of…

Komguem Achille, visual artist – FR

Le voyage commence par bus jusqu’à limbe /Cameroun où faute de places dans un bateau surbooké, le collectif attrape une chaloupe pour le Nigeria. Après deux jours de résidence direction Cotonou pour une semaine de partage, d’échanges, de création et finalement d’exposition. La suite sera un peu similaire dans d’autre pays comme Lomé, Accra, Boukinafaso…