Art Moves Africa (AMA) is pleased to present « Mobility & Touring in East Africa », a study on the performing arts sector in East Africa, commissioned by AMA in and implemented by Hildegard Kiel in 2011.
Since its establishment in 2005, Art Moves Africa has worked on sponsoring and developing artistic mobility within the African continent. With the support of regular evaluations and statistics of applications received and of grants allocated to African cultural practitioners, AMA succeeded in developing its interventions as a grant-making organization and in identifying needs within the African artistic mobility sector.
The objective of the research was to identify the main actors of the performing arts field in East Africa and to analyse the relevance and frequency of artistic mobility from that geographical area towards the whole African continent.
With the support of AMA’s partners in the region and through interviews carried out in situ, the research yielded a 3-step publication covering:
The identification and mapping of available infrastructure and human resources in the performing arts;
The identification and analysis of opportunities and the major obstacles to mobility in East Africa;
Proposal of feasible and practical solutions for the implementation of mobility.
An e-published version of the research is available fro download on-line