AMA is thrilled to announce the release of “Mobility and Touring in Central Africa,” its third publication on mobility and touring in Africa.
Since its launch in July 2005, AMA has awarded more than 750 grants to artists and art practitioners living and working in Africa. To complement its grants program, AMA implemented its research program in 2010 as a means of identifying the infrastructures that support mobility within the different African regions as well as the obstacles that impede this mobility.
Building on the success of AMA’s two pilot studies on mobility and touring in East Africa, “Mobility and Touring in Central Africa” provides an overview of the general patterns in mobility in the region; an overview of the main actors involved in the region’s cultural sector; and an analysis of the importance and frequency of artistic mobility from that geographical area towards the rest of the African continent.
The study was implemented between February and September 2015 by a team of independent researchers led by independent expert Télesphore Mba Bizo. The report covers nine cities in six Central African countries, namely: Yaoundé and Douala in Cameroon (by Télesphore Mba Bizo); Libreville in Gabon (by Jules Kamdem Taguiawa); Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire in Congo-Brazzaville (by Jean-Marie Mollo Olinga); Kinshasa and Lubumbashi in DRC (by Martial Ébénézer Nguéa); Bangui in the Central African Republic (by Modeste Gobi Mauraye); and N’Djamena in Chad (by Abdoulaye Abdoul Oumaté).
The study is available in e-book format for online viewing on Yumpu and for download in PDF format using the links below.
Yumpu (digital flipbook):…
PDF (download): here
For all questions regarding the study and/or AMA’s research program, please email