It is our pleasure to announce the grantees of Session 30 of AMA’s mobility grants programme (November 2018-January 2019).
Thanks to the generous support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, AMA is able to support 22 artists and cultural professionals for their travel projects within Africa with a budget of 14,000 euros. Please find all the information about the grantees, jury, and statistics of Session 30 below and on AMA’s website.
(Edit January 11, 2019: A total of 20 grants were given, following cancellations and a final addition)
Congratulations to the grantees!!!
Of the 157 eligible applicants, the following 22 artists and cultural practitioners have been selected to receive an AMA mobility grant:
Singer and songwriter Ann Singer traveled from Windhoek (Namibia) to Nairobi (Kenya) to participate in ACCESS 2018 festival and conference (November 15-17, 2018).
Editor and publisher Joanita Kente Tushabe of The Hen House publishing house, traveled from Kampala (Uganda) to Nairobi (Kenya) to launch a collection of poetry titled Waragi, by Jedidiah Mugarura (November 15-19, 2018).
Music talent manager and digital consultant Davy Brice Atangana Lessouga will travel from Douala (Cameroon) to Rabat (Morocco) to attend Visa for Music 2018 (November 21-24, 2018).
Dancer Maria Domingos Tembe will travel from Maputo (Mozambique) to Cape Town (South Africa) to participate in Unmute Arts Ability Festival (November 24-December 3, 2018).
Playwright Sèdjro Giovanni Houansou will travel from Cotonou (Benin) to Bamako (Mali) to present his play “Les Inamovibles” at Les Praticables Festival (November 25-December 5, 2018).
Theatre practitioners Oghenerunor Edjerunuketa, Esinet Okunrotifa and Olarewaju Samuel Akinola, of Playback Nigeria theatre company, will travel from Lagos (Nigeria) to Johannesburg (South Africa) in order to perform and participate in the 10th Annual Drama for Life Conference (November 28-December 8, 2018). *** Unfortunately, Ms. Edjerunuketa, Ms. Okunrotifa and Mr. Akinola’s grants had to be cancelled due to excessive delays in the delivery of their visas.
Film, audiovisual arts and theatre practitioner Mary Manzole will travel from Lusaka (Zambia) to Johannesburg (South Africa) to participate in the 10th Annual Drama for Life Conference (November 28-December 8, 2018).
Visual artist Massira Touré will travel from Bamako (Mali) to Lagos (Nigeria) to complete a residency and exhibit her works as part of Iwaya Community Art Festival Lagos (December 1-10, 2018).
Researcher Lanoi Maloiy will travel from Nairobi (Kenya) to Johannesburg and Pretoria (South Africa) as part of the Kajiado County Culture Taskforce in order to conduct research on cultural heritage conservation and exhibition at the Ditsong Cultural Museum, Pretoria Art Museum and Apartheid Museum (December 9-12, 2018).
Hip-hop artist and storyteller Alim Kamara will travel from Freetown (Sierra Leone) to Nairobi (Kenya) to perform in the Re-Imagined Storytelling Festival (December 11-15, 2018).
Theatre director Berengere Brooks will travel from Dakar (Senegal) to Tunis (Tunisia) to present her interactive theatre piece “Liking” at the Journées théâtrales de Carthage Festival (December 12-16, 2018).
Dancer and choreographer Kadidja Tiemanta will travel from Bamako (Mali) to Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) to perform a duo titled “Crossing” in Dialogues de corps Festival (December 15-22, 2018).
Multidisciplinary artist and journalist Laeila Adjovi will travel from Dakar (Senegal) to Cotonou (Benin) to conduct research and collect preliminary literary and visual materials for her multidisciplinary project “Les Chemins de Yemoja”. She will be hosted by the Fondation Zinsou from January 2 to 19, 2019.
Dancer, choreographer and theatre practitioner Hafedh Zalit will travel from Tunis (Tunisia) to Bamako (Mali) to deliver a Master Class at Karemba Studios as part of his project titled Berka 174 (January 13-17, 2019).
Journalist and storyteller Maïmouna Jallow and storyteller John Namai will travel from Nairobi (Kenya) to Banjul (Gambia) to perform their “Reimagined folktales” and participate in the Mboka Festival (January 20-28, 2019). *** Unfortunately, Ms. Jallow had to cancel her grant due to personal reasons.
Writer, editor and social development consultant Mamle Kabu will travel from Accra (Ghana) to Banjul (Gambia) to facilitate a workshop and participate in the Mboka Festival (January 20-28, 2019).
Dancers and choreographers Bibata Ibrahim Maiga, Marcelle Kabran and Sahadatou Ami Touré will travel from Bamako (Mali), Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) and Cotonou (Benin), respectively, to Dakar (Senegal), to complete their collective project “Originally” through a residency at the Centre Culturel Blaise Senghor (21-31 January, 2019).
18. Addition January 2019: Cultural research and management expert Ouafa Belgacem, CEO and Founder of Culture Funding Watch, will travel from Tunis (Tunisia) to Tripoli (Libya) for a networking and scoping mission hosted by the WaraQ Art Foundation (14-18 February 2019).
The eligible applications were evaluated by a jury made up of eleven artists, cultural operators and professionals who are experienced leaders in their respective fields and hail from eleven countries from all five African regions. They include writers, curators, a film and stage director, a dancer/choreographer, a music industry professional, and several cultural project managers.
We received applications from many countries (several of which are usually under-represented), all African regions and representing a wide variety of artistic disciplines. Here are some statistics on the 157 eligible applicants:
– Home region: Central Africa – 13% ; East Africa – 15% ; North Africa – 8% ; Southern Africa – 18% ; West Africa – 46%
– Destination region: Central Africa – 7% ; East Africa – 23% ; North Africa – 22% ; Southern Africa – 23% ; West Africa – 25%
– Gender: Men – 70% ; Women – 30%
– Profession: Artists – 72% ; Cultural operators – 20% ; Journalists – 5% ; Curators – 1%; Other – 2%
– Artistic discipline: Dance – 20% ; Film – 5% ; Literature – 4% ; Music – 18 % ; Storytelling – 2% ; Theatre – 17% ; Visual Arts – 12% ; Circus arts – 4% ; Multidisciplinary – 18% ; Others – 6%
– Type of project: Conference/meeting/symposium – 24% ; Creation/production – 2% ; Festival/biennale/fair – 46% ; Exhibition – 1% ; Performance – 1% ; Research – 7% ; Residency – 4% ; Workshop/masterclass/training – 13 % ; Others – 1%
Here are some statistics on the 22 grantees:
– Home region : Central Africa – 5% ; East Africa – 14% ; North Africa – 5% ; Southern Africa – 14% ; West Africa – 64%
– Destination region: East Africa – 14% ; North Africa – 9% ; Southern Africa – 27% ; West Africa – 50%
– Gender: Men – 27% ; Women – 73%
– Profession: Artists – 86% ; Cultural operators – 9% ; Other – 1%
– Artistic discipline: Dance – 23% ; Film – 5% ; Literature – 14% ; Storytelling – 9% ; Music – 9 % ; Theatre – 14% ; Visual art – 5% ; Multidisciplinary – 18% ; Other – 5 %
– Type of project: Conference/meeting/symposium – 27% ; Festival/biennale/fair – 45% ; Research – 9 % ; Residency – 14% ; Other – 5%