Grantees on the road: Nicolau Napure Feliciano Cauaneque, Americo da Conceição Dinis and Terencio Alberto Tovele

Maputo-based music educators and AMA grantees Nicolau Napure Feliciano Cauaneque, Americo da Conceição Dinis and Terencio Alberto Tovele are currently in Harare, Zimbabwe to participate in the music education workshops of the Teacher Training Campus organized by the Global Music Academy (December 1-14, 2015). Mr. Cauaneque, M. Dinis and M. Tovele work as music teachers…

Grantees on the road: Dalia Basiouny, Maison Hussein Abo El Naga and Helal Ibrahim

Cairo-based playwright and director Dalia Basiouny and actors Maison Abo El Naga and Helal Ibrahim are now in Addis Abeba to perform the play Solitaire the Crossing Boundaries Festival (September 24-27, 2015). An accomplished theatre practitioner, Dalia Basiouny has been directing for the stage since 1993. She has dedicated her career to fostering theatre work…