Publication of a guide to funding opportunities for international cultural mobility – Africa (AMA/On the Move partnership with the support of KAMS)

Art Moves Africa, Korea Arts Management Service* and On the Move are very pleased to present the Guide to funding opportunities for the international mobility of artists and culture professionals – Africa.** The main objective of this cultural mobility funding guide is to provide an overview of the funding bodies and programmes that support the international mobility…

Grantee on the road: Koudoussou Adéchina Laourou

Cotonou-based storyteller and AMA grantee Koudoussou Adéchina Laourou is currently in Dondoutchi, Niger, to participate in the biennial Gatan-Gatan festival (International festival of storytelling and orality) taking place between December 2nd and 5th. M. Laourou has been working as a professional storyteller and actor since 2012. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the…

Grantees on the road: Nicolau Napure Feliciano Cauaneque, Americo da Conceição Dinis and Terencio Alberto Tovele

Maputo-based music educators and AMA grantees Nicolau Napure Feliciano Cauaneque, Americo da Conceição Dinis and Terencio Alberto Tovele are currently in Harare, Zimbabwe to participate in the music education workshops of the Teacher Training Campus organized by the Global Music Academy (December 1-14, 2015). Mr. Cauaneque, M. Dinis and M. Tovele work as music teachers…

Announcing a new AMA publication: Mobility and Touring in Central Africa

AMA is thrilled to announce the release of “Mobility and Touring in Central Africa,” its third publication on mobility and touring in Africa. Since its launch in July 2005, AMA has awarded more than 750 grants to artists and art practitioners living and working in Africa. To complement its grants program, AMA implemented its research program…